
Golang error handling practical tips for personal projects

updated & published on raw




I do not want to waste my time again on hesitating to choose which pattern to handle an error in Golang, neither refactoring a bunch of code to fit a new error handling pattern. So here are some tips to help to choose a fine enough error handling pattern in different situations. They are from my own Golang personal project experience, which is mainly for academic use but with an engneering expectation.

Tired of handling errors

  • Q: Do you want others to reuse this code?
    • Y -> Always return an error
    • N -> Always panic

In main function

  • Q: Does the main has several pretty individual sections?
    • Y -> Always panic still, but panic in the individual section other than main after returning from the section
    • N -> Always panic

In a Test* function

Always t.Fatal, and even use t.Run for sub-testcases so that t can be passed

In a function without calling another function that returns an error

  • Q: Does the function has failure situations, e.g., map access returns ok == false?
    • Y -> Return an error, and add a global exported Err-prefixed var with a custom string to return in the situation
    • N -> So you do not have an error to handle

In a function that calls another function that returns an error

  • Q: Do all errors possibly from these called functions can be considered and handled in the function?
    • Y -> So you do not have an error to handle
    • N -> Q: Are these called functions in goroutine?
      • Y -> Use an error channel to collect errors, and return the first error, or wrap them into a single error and return it
      • N -> Return an error